international groups Testimonials
Since I finished my ONE on ONE with GOD course, I started to realize that my spiritual life is still crawling and struggling like an infant who needs to be nursed.
Praise the Lord, He heard my prayer. I have experienced a unique time in my quiet time with the Lord. I committed my life, my service, and my family to Him.
Before I took ONE on ONE with GOD, I was searching for a way to make my quiet time more meaningful and a way that God’s love would show through me more.
Now I am learning to study God’s Word and make it personal to my life and to the lives of my children. I have learned to use the Principle of Displacement when things seem to go wrong. I am learning to tell God how much I love Him throughout the day, not just once in a while. God Himself has become more personal to me, and I am only beginning to learn what trusting Him is all about. My life has meaning like it has never had before!
South Korea
God has been so good to me these few nights of the ONE on ONE with GOD study.
I enjoyed the services and the preaching, and I hope God will carry you home safely.
Before I began ONE on ONE with GOD, I did not have a good habit of doing a daily personal devotional and spending quality time with Him.
I also did not spend much time praying because, in my opinion, I did not have anything to be thankful for or to request from the Lord. Today my understanding is greater; I have been able to learn much more and understand the idea behind getting to know Jesus Christ and knowing His promises and the love that He has for me. First and foremost I give thanks to God for helping me complete this discipleship training.
Today I am challenged to improve my personal life with God and I am certain that I will succeed.
Youth ministry, Bolivia
When I began ONE on ONE with GOD, I had a different kind of emptiness in my communion with God, which made it difficult for me to accept that God is speaking to me through His Word and has a purpose for my life.
Then I quickly understood that God can bring blessings to my life, hear me, and live within me. Now my challenge is to continue the purpose of my God, make disciples, and be able to teach His Word. I am thankful to God for showing me more of His Word, for being useful and a blessing to all, and especially for being my God who gave me life.
Youth ministry, Bolivia
What I liked most about ONE on ONE with GOD was learning how to meditatehow to ponder, picture, and pray.
It is a very helpful process. The class helped me build a new lifestyle of thinking about Jesus more and praying more. I feel I know Him better now, and I treasure the Bible more and think it’s the powerful, ultimate tool. I would recommend that others go through ONE on ONE because it is a really helpful tool and can change our attitudes. The commitment and discipline it develops is also helpful.
I always had a zeal to know Scripture, but until I took ONE on ONE with GOD, I did not know where to start.
ONE on ONE helped me to know God daily in a very organized way by reading Old and New Testaments and Proverbs. Before taking the class, I had some confusion and doubts. But reading and knowing the Scripture and listening to my leaders’ lessons helped me overcome those doubts. I know God more thoroughly and intimately. I am more stable and peaceful from learning the Word of God every day. I have received valid explanations from the Scripture. People who have accepted Christ need to take this course to get to know Him more by reading the Scripture in an organized way.
G. C.
International student
We delivered teaching materials to twenty-two leaders of a ministry geared toward Cuban high school students, with over 3000 students in the ministry right now.
A few of these leaders had already had exposure to ONE on ONE with GOD from our prior trips.
One young man, 28 years old, has been making disciples since college and has continued to use ONE on ONE. One problem that he had was that he only had one book. When discipling men, he passed the workbook around and had them copy notes and verses from it.
Another young man had somehow received a leader’s guide two years earlier but wasn’t really sure what to do with it. Once he saw how ONE on ONE worked, he told us how much he appreciated it and that he would be able to use it going forward.
The Cubans were very excited and looking forward to using the material with their ministries and students. Learning how to ponder, picture, and pray was something they all said they enjoyed.
I want to thank you, while I can, for something you did for me four years ago. You may not even know the extent to which you helped change my life.
God used you in a big way when you led me through ONE on ONE with GOD. I don’t know if I ever told you that ONE on ONE was the start to a big turnaround in my life. Before you asked me to do that with you, I had been slipping greatly in my faith. I actually did not want to believe in God anymore. It was ONE on ONE that reminded me of who God really is.
Now, because of your obedience to God, many people are being saved in Carbondale, IL, people from China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Because of your obedience to God, they are taking that message back to their families and friends. If you could only know the impact you have made in this world! My life has been changed forever, and I thank you. (Note: This was written to a disciple-maker who later passed away from cancer at the age of 25).
N. and D.
I want to extend my great appreciation to you for the hard work and the contribution you have made to our ministry.
On behalf of the church and on my behalf, I am very grateful. Thank you for ONE on ONE with GOD. A number of pastors and leaders here have never been exposed to Bible training. It has been my heart to reach out to them as I help them to know God and their faith so that they can know God and learn how to guard their faith.
ONE on ONE with GOD doesn’t give only Bible knowledge, but it teaches prayer, talking to God, providing a lifestyle of spending time with God daily, which, I believe, will produce a life of transformation!
N. and D.
African pastor and wife
Before I began ONE on ONE with GOD, I did not know what to do.
But from the day I prayed to the Lord, He responded the very next day. Now I have a new way to think and do things. I know that it is difficult, but I know that I have a God who will be with me until the end of time, and with Him all things are possible. Additionally, He made me see things I never imagined. This discipleship has been a great blessing and a direct response from God to me. Just as the Lord sends people to teach, from this day forward, I will be another. Amen.
The Lord has shown me the obedience that God wants and demands in me as His child throughout these changes that I am encountering:
changes in behavior, thoughts and attitudes, and a profound analysis in my personal, spiritual, and social life, as well as in the workplace. Today I feel rejuvenated and have peace with God, but I also feel as if it is not enough. I feel that God is asking me to share the gospel and disciple people that He Hmself is placing in my path.
ONE on ONE with GOD is the perfect guide to avoid getting lost on the path and to begin the work that God is waiting to do. Amen! Thanks be to God!
Before beginning discipleship training, I did not know what it meant to have communion with God in a very intimate way.
My communion with God was not in a continuous manner, and it lacked seriousness with Him. Because of ONE on ONE with GOD, I have been greatly blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ in different areas of my life. I learned a lot about my relationship and communion with God. I was challenged to complete my commitment with God and to read His word every day. I learned to ask God every day, always thinking of the present, and to live each day as if it were the last, for the honor and glory of our God.
Youth ministry, Bolivia
I became a Christian in the winter of 1979.
Since that time I can see that there are a few real milestones in my journey with the Lord. Going through ONE on ONE with GOD is one of them.
There are many benefits I have gained from ONE on ONE with GOD.
Probably the most important is that ONE on ONE has shown me the importance of a deep, personal, and daily relationship and fellowship with my Lord. I have taken Philippians 3:10 (AMP) as my life purpose.
Second, ONE on ONE with GOD showed me the importance and depth of God’s Word. I have never seen a tool for Christian growth so intensely built around and focused on the Bible.
Third, as a discipleship tool, ONE on ONE can be just as effectively used and useful with a new believer as with one who is already quite mature in his or her walk with the Lord. Using scripture almost exclusively, it shows the completeness and adequacy of God’s Word to teach us all things.
Finally, as an ongoing tool in my personal quiet time and as a review of the importance of making and keeping Jesus Christ as the center and Lord of all I do, ONE on ONE with GOD is an invaluable tool.
I could go on for pages detailing the effectiveness of ONE on ONE with GOD in my life and in the lives of others I have known and discipled, but I’ll summarize with this statement: If I were limited to only using two tools for both my personal growth as a Christian and to help encourage others in their walk, I would pick first and foremost the Bible itself; for my second choice it would be hard to choose between an exhaustive concordance with dictionaries and ONE on ONE with GOD. I’m glad I don’t have to choose.
Charles Tope, Pastor, Missionary
Twenty-seven years ago as Senior Pastor of the Northwest Baptist Church of Oklahoma City, I was challenged and blessed beyond measure to meet Jerry and Marilyn Fine and to use ONE on ONE with GOD in our discipleship ministry.
Returning to Kenya for missionary service, we took the ONE on ONE with GOD notebooks back with us and through its use we saw the lives of countless Africans marvelously transformed. I heartily recommend it to all who want to know God.
Charles Tope
Pastor, Missionary
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I had not been well equipped with the knowledge of the Word of God.
But now I am so enriched with various methods, especially in spreading the gospel in all parts. The Spirit of God, through the love of God, has made me overcome some weaknesses.
I was displacing my Jesus with what I was passing through, but now the Holy Spirit will guide me to overcome every temptation, and Jesus will always remain in my heart.
Before the class I had no love, especially to those who surround me, but now I start loving them and preaching to them through loving. Before, I stopped praying when my prayers were not answered, but now I will continue praying and know God answers when I have peace in my heart.
Our first contact with the Chen/Shih family, former international students from Taiwan, was in 1996. By March 2000, six members of this family were followers of Jesus.
They approached me about discipling them to help them walk daily with Jesus using ONE on ONE with GOD.
Even though my spirit was willing, my flesh was weak I was recovering from cancer surgery in January. I didn’t feel like I could physically handle being out another night of the week. But I knew that God was leading me to invest in this family that was hungry for the things of God. Many Thursdays, I was so tired I didn’t think I could drive to the group meeting. But after about three hours of eating, studying, praying, answering questions (they had a lot of questions), laughing, and seeing them grow in Christ before my eyes, I was so excited I couldn’t even sleep when I got home late. The Spirit of God was transforming their lives as we met week to week for ONE on ONE with GOD and as they developed the discipline of investing time with Him daily.
By March 2001, there were ten followers of Jesus in this family of former idol worshipers. They are constantly leading others to Christ and discipling them using ONE on ONE with GOD. Now I know of fourteen people outside the family whom they have led to Christ. Often they invite unbelievers into their ONE on ONE with GOD classes and see them receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
There is so much to tell about what God is doing through this family. God is using them in a supernatural way. They have a passion to make disciples and multiply. My joy is indescribable as I hear of more fruit each week! I am grateful to God that He led me to invest in this family by helping them learn how to walk with Jesus and giving them principles and a tool to disciple others.