international groups Testimonials

Comparing my life before and after I went through ONE on ONE with GOD is like comparing light and darkness.

God has become closer and closer. I am more and more amazed at the face of God. I have seen God use me to teach others and see them grow and change. I have seen them grow beyond me and teach more than I have. It is a great blessing.


Eastern Europe

Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, God was dealing with a very disorganized person whose quiet time was mostly a boring routine.

But now God sees a person talking and listening to Him through meditation. He sees a person who is on the path to having a passion to know and serve Him. I think He sees me with a big smile and says, Š—“Keep doing what you are doing now!Š— I’m not perfect, but my walk with the Lord is getting better and better.


God has really ministered to me very specifically through ONE on ONE with GOD.

I never thought that I could go about and tell anybody about the Lord and how He has been good. I would just say that I didn’t know what to say to them. But during these past few days, I was able to tell the kids at school about the Lord and His marvelous works. I just want to thank God for Jerry and Marilyn Fine because without them we would be in the dark.



God has so greatly changed my life during ONE on ONE with GOD that I couldn’t imagine it.

What I learn each day seems to be new and fresh. I even want to talk to my son about how God is at work in my life. I have four people in my group, and they are reaching out to others and learning how to share what God is doing in their lives.


Eastern Europe

ONE on ONE with GOD has changed all areas of my life.

Now I am always wondering how I can share all that God is doing in my life with those around me.


Eastern Europe

It is through ONE on ONE with GOD that I understood for the first time on a personal level what is in God’s Word.

People can feed themselves and grow themselves because they have personal knowledge of God, not second-hand knowledge. It has been exciting for me to train so many other people and see their lives changes.


Eastern Europe

The mandate entrusted by Jesus to His followers was to make disciples!

ONE on ONE with GOD is an extremely useful tool in fulfilling this mandate.

Starting as a pastor in Bucharest, I had the privilege to work with Jerry and Marilyn Fine. Soon I noticed that ONE on ONE with GOD was not just another book on discipleship. Anyone who uses it as intended by the authors will develop the necessary habits and abilities needed by every obedient disciple. It is also a tool for making disciples and producing disciple-makers, in obedience to Christ.

The fifteen weeks that ONE on ONE requires to complete are guaranteed to become the greatest time investment in the life of every person who is dedicated to discovering the real purpose of lifeŠ—”knowing ChristŠ—”and will lead to a lifestyle of obedience.


Romanian Christian speaker

As a pastor, I am concerned about pleasing God with my own level of spiritual maturity, effectively serving Him, and helping the people of my church to grow spiritually.

Over the years I have had occasion to use some good courses that were designed to help Christians grow, but in 1998 God provided for me one that I have found superior to any I have ever seen. It is ONE on ONE with GOD by Jerry and Marilyn Fine, a course that becomes a way of life that is very simple, practical, and profitable for spiritual growth.

ONE on ONE was exactly what I needed. Since completing the fifteen two-hour sessions, I have not stopped following its teachings, and the result for me has been a more disciplined walk with Christ and a love relationship and fellowship with Christ that grows each day through Scripture reading, Scripture memory, prayer, and the daily application of the Word of God to my life. It specifically helped me to know and love my Lord more deeply and intimately; to read, memorize, and meditate on God’s Word daily so that He could speak to me personally for my own good; to yield the control of my life to the Holy Spirit each day so that God can transform me and use my life for His glory; and to commit myself to be the true disciple and disciple-maker Christ wants me to be.

ONE on ONE has been a great blessing to my church, and many of its members have become true disciples of Jesus by going through the course. They are practicing the principles they learned and are now using them as a tool to disciple others.


Romanian pastor

How much theology must we know to be a true disciple of Jesus?

What must we do to become His true disciple? Does it take a lifetime of learning before we can start making disciples as Jesus commanded us to do?

ONE on ONE with GOD answers these questions and many others. It has been two months since I completed this course, and it is the best tool for making disciples and producing disciple-makers that I have ever seen. Theological schools and academic degrees are important but not necessary for one to become a true disciple of Jesus or to make disciples and produce disciple-makers. Nor is it necessary to have four years of seminary or years of expository study of the sixty-six books of the Bible. Becoming a disciple can be accomplished by attending the fifteen session of ONE on ONE with GOD and applying the principles from it every day for the rest of your life.

ONE on ONE is not just a course but a way of life, and it is something that I recommend for every pastor, seminary student, church member, and sincere seeker.


Romanian pastor

I was at a stage in life where my everyday concerns revolved around my responsibilities for the church I was pastoring and the students I was teaching.

I was constantly involved in activities that brought me in front of people. Even though this lifestyle gave me lots of satisfaction, I was at the same time experiencing a kind of spiritual aridity.

Meeting Jerry Fine and taking ONE on ONE with GOD helped me rediscover the secret dimension of an abundant life of faith. I rediscovered the joy of being close to God in disciplined fellowship and focused on what was essential in the human life. As soon as I began ONE on ONE, I realized that nothing else is more important to me than to order my life, get it in sync with the divine plan, and constantly concern myself with those actions that made me gravitate around the divine glory.

It is a great blessing to be back in front of people after I’ve been in the presence of God. I now experience a fervent desire to help others discover the joy of getting close to God that comes from the disciplines taught in ONE on ONE with GODŠ—”prayer, Bible study, and mission.

Cornel B.

Romanian pastor

Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I was frustrated and did not know how to grow or live an abundant Christian life.

I didn’t feel comfortable talking with anyone about my faith or able to disciple others. I did not purposely cultivate love for others and the lost. I depended on myself, many times being frustrated by something that I couldn’t control. I just didn’t know what was to be the center of my life.

Fifteen weeks later, I have a tool and a method and confidence. I know I should fix my eyes on Jesus and yield to God’s control of my life. I know I am to live by the Word of God, prayer, and fellowship. Instead of being afraid to speak of my faith, I am braver and bolder and have even shared my testimony at many churches. I enjoy discipling others and want to do it more! I feel I am beginning to have compassion for the lost and am working to want to be with people I personally do not like. I feel I am depending on God many times each day. To sum up, I have a very different life and a more intimate relationship with God.


For me ONE on ONE with GOD is very beneficial.

I am a multiple generation Christian, but I wasn’t taught much. People expected a lot out of me. I said I became a Christian at age twelve, but I truly became a Christian when I was in Bible college.

ONE on ONE is very important because it helps people know they are saved and learn how to walk with God. Another Bible study helped me see how God works, but ONE on ONE helps me know God. Now I go to God and ask Him what to do. I have learned how to meditate on God’s Word (pondering, picturing, and praying to help truth get into my heart) and to get to know Him. He is real and life-changing!

My children are already witnessing, but I want to work with them using ONE on ONE. I want to make sure they know Him and not just about Him.


Eastern Europe

I was very cautious about ONE on ONE with GOD.

I had been using another strict plan to follow God, but when I moved to a new town, there were always people coming over to my house all the time, and other things became more important. My discipline slipped away, and I found myself making resolutions to improve but having no success. A few months ago I began discipling an older lady and asked her to pray for me, especially that I would have consistent quiet times. The next week was the worst of my life! One day my friend called and wanted us to meet Jerry and Marilyn FineŠ—”and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. So we let them come, and I understood how important ONE on ONE was and how it was what I had been praying for.

ONE on ONE is a good system and a reminder to seek God with all my heart, and I am so glad to be working in it.


Eastern Europe

I used to make resolutions that would last three to four days, but ONE on ONE with GOD has made seeking God a part of my life.

My quiet time is a great habit. Each day God gives me something. And when I began to lead a group, I learned so much more and was able to go deeper. Everything has changed!


Eastern Europe

Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I was not fully committed.

But now the Lord has changed me. The Holy Spirit has taught me things through His wisdom and grace such as how to witness, how to pray fully, how to love the lost, how to glorify Him, how to love Him, how to trust in Him, how to obey Him, how to love my neighbor, how to stand during my angry times, how to wait upon Him, and how to dwell with sinners so that they may enter the kingdom of God. The ONE on ONE lifestyle has changed me, physically and spiritually, through Christ Jesus.



When I began the discipleship study ONE on ONE with GOD, I had an average understanding because I had never experienced many things that God had given me the opportunity to do.

I think I can see and know God more intimately and profoundly now. I desired with my heart to know more of His love and His character since I had read of this in the Bible, but it had not fulfilled my expectations. Thanks to ONE on ONE with GOD, I have learned patterns to be closer to God, and this is what every Christian truly needs to be able to love Him with all one’s heart.

I can now say that I will continue the pursuit and that I would love to share what I have learned with others, which will surely bring them to a better understanding and a more profound relationship so that their lives can be filled with His love.

Thanks to the ministry for being utilized by God in my life!


Women’s ministry, Bolivia

I first came into contact with ONE on ONE with GOD through D.M., the singles’ pastor at H.’s First Baptist Church.

He is a man who has a great heart for discipleship. His greatest desire is for his leadership team to be disciple-makers. I was privileged to be a part of the first team that D. and his wife D. took through the ONE on ONE workbook; they have since taken many groups through it. Today I am using it as a tool to train mission-minded Koreans to both improve their English as well as become disciple-makers. It is a fantastic resource!

T. T.

South Korea

To my brothers in the faith, called to the same hope in the United States: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In how great a good have you collaborated with the Lord! I am so thankful to all of you I have met and to those I haven’t who, in some way or another, have made it possible that both my brothers and I would have the opportunity to have this material, ONE on ONE with GODŠ—”but not only the material but also much more the rich communion with our brothers who decided in the Lord according to His free and abundant will to share with us what had been good for them.

I cannot explain the fire that is burning within me in the middle of and by means of this time of sharing good things that correspond to the piety and that have opened my eyes. Before ONE on ONE, I was not in good shape spiritually. Neither was I how I wanted to be. I have been strengthened and encouraged. God has worked His good will in me, helping me to learn both how to want and doŠ—”participating in His miracle, the restoration of my soul.

My words are those of the apostle Paul to Philemon: Even though I don’t know you all, Š—“I give thanks to my God as I remember all of you in my prayers because I hear of the love and faith that you have through the Lord Jesus and for all the saints so that the participation of your faith with us will be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you have refreshed the hearts of the saints.Š—

For all of the brothers, I want to encourage your hearts that no work in the Lord is in vain. Furthermore, His Word will not return empty. So remember that the good that each of you has done, God has received.

Greet all the brothers in Christ Jesus. The brothers with me greet you. All the saints greet you, especially those of us in Jerry’s group. The grace of our Lord be with you!


A closed country

Thanks to our pastor K’s investment in us and through ONE on ONE with GOD, ten members of my family —formerly idol worshipers —have become part of God’s family and are growing strong in faith.

Since I became a Christian, sharing the gospel with international students has been my passion, but I just didn’t know how to reach them. I am thankful for God’s provision in giving me ONE on ONE with GOD as a tool to make disciples and multiply. To date, God has been using my family to lead about 25 students to accept Christ. That group includes twelve believers who are becoming disciple-makers and seven new believers who are becoming disciple-makers themselves.

There is no greater joy than seeing all of them coming to God’s family, maturing and becoming disciple-makers for His work as well. I thank God for those who led me and my family to Christ and who introduced me to this tool that enables me to make disciples and produce disciple-makers.


Member of an international church

I don’t know how to thank you for the most important gift you ever gave me —taking me through ONE on ONE with GOD.

It was my greatest gift for 2006 and the best gift I have had in a long time. I started taking my wife through, but she opted to use the CD because she had so much time. I have another student, and I will soon start taking him through. I’m going through the Bible, and through God’s grace, I will make it. There is nothing as satisfying as a closer walk with God!


Medical Doctor, Africa

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