international groups Testimonials
This week has been a good week for me.
I have been drawn closer to the Lord. I have learned to share with others and to study with my husband the Word of God. I am also praying more.
Through the week of ONE on ONE with GOD studies, I discovered that God has shown me He is our protector.
We are guarded on all sides by His presence. He showed me that He is before me, behind me, to the right of me, to the left of me, above me, underneath me, and within me!
Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our teachers, Brother and Sister Fine, I have learned to depend on God more.
My understanding of the Scripture has been widened, and I have been greatly blessed.
I was blessed through these few nights together with the ONE on ONE with GOD ministry.
As we shared together from Psalm 119 and from the New Testament, the Lord was saying to me that I must hold on to His promises. This helps me go through each day with brightness and a special interest in God. I thank the Lord for Brother and Sister Fine’s ministry. I trust we will meet again some day!
Through the nights of ONE on ONE with GOD, I learned how to express my love to God three times per day and to use the A-C-T-S acrostic in my prayers.
I also learned how to visualize and personalize. God’s Word has become more meaningful to me, and I am now applying it more to my life. I have learned a lot of hidden truth and to take the Word from my mind to my heart. It has become a blessing to my whole being. God bless you!
I just thank God for sending Brother and Sister Fine to us to open our understanding of God’s Word.
It is a joy to me, and I promise to be more obedient to God.
God has ministered to me so much during this week of ONE on ONE with GOD studies.
He has helped me to understand His Word more clearly. He has taught me to love my brothers and sisters, how to accept people, and how to be a good listener. He has taught me by His Holy Spirit to humble myself so He can use me to tell others about His love. He has taught me how to read and understand His Word clearly. Praise His holy name!
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I was in a state of not being serious in God’s Word.
But He has enacted in me to be serious and committed to His Word. Before, I did not know how to prepare well to preach; now I know how I should prepare myself even before serving Him. Before, I did not know how I should treat my neighbors and those who hate me. Now I know what to do and how to overcome them. Before, I did not know the true likeness of a disciple. But now I know how a disciple should behave and be a good example. Now I know how to make disciples. I used to see the body of Christ as belonging to each church’s leader. But now I know that it is all about building the kingdom of God.
Before going through ONE on ONE with GOD, I did not know how to replace trials and temptations with the Word of God and how to be a true disciple.
I now know how to saturate my life with prayer, the Word of God, and love. I now know how my lifestyle should have an impact wherever I go. I know four methods of Bible study and the three Ps: ponder, picture, pray. ONE on ONE also helped me to be consistent and have a better walk with Christ. It has helped me to be able to live and claim the promises of Christ in His Word.
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I used to be selfish, praying for my own affairs, not expressing the love of Jesus through me to others.
But because I have been taught, I will reach out in prayer for others. I lift them where necessary because I have saturated myself with love for others. Lord, make/help me to love others moreeven those who are difficult to love.
In the area of forgiveness, I also tell God to help me to forgive those who have wronged me_ I have learned that this is the day to do what I can, not tomorrow.
God has ministered to me during the one-week course of ONE on ONE with GOD. It has been a pleasure because it has helped me understand His Word more, love more, and minister more to people.
Before ONE on ONE with GOD, I never had a systematic way of reading the Word of God.
When I read, I could not get the message brought out because I was not reading in the right manner. I was not committed to reading the Word of God even when I wanted to read every day. I didn’t know how I could disciple someone or how I could help my friends know about God. I was not praying systematically but just normally_praying to God and for people.
After finishing the study, I read at least a verse every day, if not chapters. I don’t get tired of praying since I pray systematically. I can now pray for different people and situations, until something happens, without giving up. I know how to live with people, including my enemies. I am committed to reading the Word of God and extracting the message brought out. I believe I have gained more knowledge than before the training. I have the skills, and I know I can take someone through ONE on ONE with GOD. I am now focusing on reading the whole Bible because I am led by the Book. I have been blessed and am glad to have come across this study and have enjoyed interacting with my fellow students and teachers.
Before ONE on ONE with GOD, I was not sharing everything with God.
I was sometimes trying to do things by myself, and I was probably a little far from understanding God’s love. Today I am trying to tell Him every little detail of my life. I am asking Him to help me allow Him to direct every part of my life. His love and His character have become more real and natural.
I came to the Bible study last night, and I learned from it how to love the Lord and to keep in touch with Him more closely.
Christine A.
God has helped me to understand more about Him through ONE on ONE with GOD.
My heart has been blessed through the sessions. I have learned more about Him.
Christine A.
It was really a blessing attending the ONE on ONE with GOD study sessions.
I have grown more in the Lord and have made a rededication of my life to continue studying His Word and to share what I have learned with others. The sessions also caused me to think seriously of the quiet time in the mornings that should be spent with God, studying His Word. In the past I enjoyed reading the Word of God, but now I know how to visualize and personalize His Word, making it more meaningful to me.
God has ministered to me in miraculous ways during these nights of ONE on ONE with GOD training.
My life has been blessed, and I am feeling the transforming power of God indwelling me as I read and study the Word and pray. I praise God for this blessed opportunity and give Him thanks, especially for His son and daughter, Jerry and Marilyn Fine, who have ministered unto us. To God be the glory!
God has ministered unto me through ONE on ONE with GOD in many ways.
I have come to trust Him more. I find it easy to love others because I found out that He first loved me. He has taught me how to pray and have an understanding of His Words. Because of my determination to know Him intimately, He has given me an urge to search His Word and do according to His will. He has shown me how to be a true disciple, and my determination is to follow the goal He has set for us.
I do thank God for Mr. and Mrs. Fine.
God’s Word has been so wonderful in my life and is really saturating my heart.
God has been really good me through ONE on ONE with GOD.
I understand more about Him and committed myself to Him. I would like to be more like Him and know more about Him.