international groups Testimonials
Although the last night of the ONE on ONE with GOD study has been my first night, my spirit has been truly blessed.
God has made His words so very clear to me. I was able to ask Him to continue to saturate His words through me so that I will learn to love others as myself. He has taught me to control my anger and my resentment toward others. Now I’m challenged to go home tonight and to help somebody else know God more intimately for himself or herself.
Before we began ONE on ONE with GOD, it was not easy for me to forgive.
But today I have learned that if I don’t forgive, I’m hating my own soul because when I forgive, my soul receives peace. Before the study I found it difficult to relate to sinners, but today I have learned that even when I was yet a sinner, Jesus died for me. Before the study, I prayed occasionally, but today I’m praying always. Before the study I was trusting in my own strength, but today I have yielded to the Holy Spirit.
S. K.
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I was not fulfilling my desire of preaching to someone about the love of Christ.
Now I am surprisedthere is something deep in me of that, telling people about Jesus. In fact, today, as I was memorizing the Word of God, I was finding someone to tell about the love of God. Thank God, I met with one man and another. I told them about Jesus, and that is the time I felt peace in me. It has changed me.
Before I attended ONE on ONE with GOD, I had naivet© in the subject of discipleship.
I was ignorant of how to make disciples for Christ. I had a poor perception of sinners and the lost. I was impoverished in relating to God in prayer, testifying, fasting, and love for others. I had a problem with procrastinating matters relating to the kingdom of God and a problem with how to conduct Bible study.
Before I started ONE on ONE with GOD, I was not able to comprehensively read and understand God’s Word.
But now I thank God that I am able to do so through the principles taught in class (ponder, picture, pray). I have also learned how to memorize scripture, which has been my desire for quite some time. I’m a better disciple and a better disciple-maker as well. I am more confident of my salvation although I could identify with Wilbur Chapman’s story before the training. The Word of God is paramount.
S. N.
God has ministered to me tremendously during the week of discipleship training.
It has reinforced truths and principles essential for a growing, fruitful, effective Christian. The principle of displacement is very meaningful and relevant. The challenge of reading the Bible through each year is great. More than anything is the tremendous challenge of a life dedicated to Christ, a life that is disciplined and growing. It is wonderful to know that there can be individuals who maintain the discipline, determination, and dedication to daily study God’s Word and to seek to grow in the likeness of Christ. ONE on ONE with GOD will be a continuous benefit to my life and the kingdom of God.
I praise and thank the Lord for sending us missionaries who are faithful in serving Him through holding ONE on ONE with GOD Bible studies.
I really learned much in our study. I learned to budget my time, reading my Bible and talking to God after I wake up in the morning and even at night. Before this study, I did not appreciate things that I have received and the work inside my home. I felt always tired, and I often murmured. But now I realize that it is not good. I have to thank the Lord in everything because He cares for us.
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I knew there was something that could impact my spiritual growth.
Now I know that I can help change many and bring them to the kingdom of God. ONE on ONE taught me to do the assignment God called me to do and told me I should always remain righteous and preach righteousness.
I learned to pray more and to read God’s Word each day, which is something that I was not doing.
I also learned to trust the Lord more, and He has been blessing me.
My name is E., and this is the testimony of how Christ changed my life sixteen years ago.
Jesus came into my life in an unexpected way.
I was in another country on a mission to work in the country’s public service. While there, I received a letter from my wife, informing me about an experience with Jesus Christ and her attendance at a church. Reading the letter, I was very surprised because we had never talked about religious beliefs of any kind. We had excluded God from our lives and, therefore, our family. Our children11 years old and 9 years oldhad never heard from our lips the word God and were totally ignorant of what a church was.
Days later in December of that year, when I had almost ended my work in the other country, an amazing thing happened. R., an engineer whom I had taught in the last course, gave me a gift of a tape recording of chapters 1 to 17 of John’s gospel and a Bible, which had a dedication reading The Way, the Truth, the Life. This event was amazing because R. was the only student with whom I did not have a good relationship. I did not expect a gift as a courtesy, and it did not have any significance for me at that time.
When I returned to my country, God began to work in my life. My wife, to whom I had been married for sixteen years, went every Sunday to church, and when she returned home, she told me about what they had discovered from Scripture. Somehow I became involved in her new life. Every Sunday my wife and I shared breakfast together, and afterward she invited me to go to church. But I gave the excuse that I needed to remain at home because the children did not want to accompany her.
My only wish and goal was to return to the other country, and I took steps to that end. But the reality was that those steps never thrived and were always cut short, which I could not understand because my efforts were aimed at improving the economic situation of my family. After a few months, and in the midst of this confusion, I decided to accompany my wife to church to find out what types of people she was meeting and what was happening in that place that held so much attraction for her.
I asked myself many questions, and I continued accompanying my wife with our daughter to the church some Sundays. Due to the change that was happening in my wife and the new teachings I was receiving at the church, I started reading the Bible in the book of Proverbs. I was really impressed with the life wisdom in those verses, which applied to life in any generation. Without my realizing it, the Lord was continuing His work in our lives.
After some time I had an experience, something that I had never felt before. One night I had a significant dream. In it, I was walking along the coastline, and suddenly a huge wave dragged me into the sea. But two hands took me out of the water and put me on a rock. This was something wonderful and amazing that made me feel very happy to wake up. I said to myself, WHAT IS THIS?
In trying to discuss the dream with my wife, I had no words sufficiently clear to explain the dream. I was filled with emotion, realizing that it was something supernatural given by God to show His love for me. This experience marked my life forever. Those who attend church in my country face criticism and consequences, but after my dream, I was no longer fearful of being seen entering the church.
My wife had her own conversion experience during my stay in the other country. In the midst of a difficult family situation, the Lord spoke to her about her sins. She began to cry and confessed her sins; then He hugged her to comfort her.
After my conversion, my life began to change rapidly. From this time on, I had to start making serious decisions and renounce everything that I had invested in during my lifetime of forty years. Both my wife and I had been involved in the tasks and politics of the government in my country. Both of us belonged to the governing political party, and, in my case, I belonged to the military reserve. We renounced all these things. No matter the consequences that we knew would come, I began to deepen my fellowship with God.
Many people stopped interacting with my wife and me. I began to have many problems in my job because I was not considered reliable due to my new status as a Christian.
During this process, our children became a part of our new life in Christ. Both have had a personal experience with the Lord, and they each have families in Jesus. All of us are working now for the furthering of GodÎs kingdom.
Today I can give thanks to God because He saves us from destruction due to our past lives of sin and from selfishness and love for material things. Currently my wife and I are leading a group of six people through ONE on ONE with GOD at home, and I am a teacher of the adult class in the church we attend. Our children have formed their own families in Christ and serve the Lord, in different ministries.
The Lord has ministered to me through His Word in a way that I can’t explain.
God has been revealing to me to pray and believe in faith that He might be Lord over my life. He will be my help and guide from now on. I know He will never leave or forsake us.
Before I came to Jesus, I was in darkness.
But now that I know Him, I am so much blessed with the Word of God. And when I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I became a friend of God, more than before. I did not know how to pray, but now I have become a part of the body of Christ, and I am prayingand praying for others. Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior!
Before we started learning ONE on ONE with GOD, I had a lot of weaknesses.
To say I was sorry was very hard to come out of my mouth. I never loved those who were my enemies. Now I feel very relieved from all that because I have forgiven everyone who has done me wrong.
When praying, I never knew when to stop praying for something because I didn’t know when my prayer was answered. But now I have learned that I pray until I find peace in my heart.
I thank God for giving me such a change to know that I am not an exception in temptation but that all are tempted. I am happy I was able to take this class. Thanks to Almighty God for giving me this chance.
God has been good to me for the few nights of the ONE on ONE with GOD study.
His Word has been lovely, and it has made me feel light in my mind and body. As it made my days feel lighter and free from my cares at home and at work, it helped me to be free with my friend.
It has been a blessing to be present during the past days at these ONE on ONE with GOD Bible studies.
My heart has been richly blessed. God has poured out tremendous blessing on my life. My spirit has been revived and uplifted. I have a better understanding of the Scriptures, and I have learned to depend more on Him. Through this blessing I have experienced added strengthboth spiritually and physically
Gwen R.
The ONE on ONE with GOD study was a blessing.
It makes me feel like going on with the Lord. Dwelling in the Word is greatI enjoyed every moment of each night.
Gwen R.
I am thanking God for the inspiring study, ONE on ONE with GOD.
It has ministered to me in a great way. I have learned to know God better and to love Him, myself, Christians, and the lost in a new way. I have learned to rely on the promises of God and have a greater will to study God’s Word and rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Diana B.
ONE on ONE with GOD has made me become spiritually stronger.
God has used it to bless me inright, outright, upright, and downright. I have learned to trust and believe in God’s Word daily. ONE on ONE has given me the assurance that I am a Christian and has provided me with spiritual food. Before attending ONE on ONE, I was a spiritual dwarf, but now, thanks be to God, I am becoming a spiritual giant. Thanks be to God!
Diana B.
I know that I have been blessed through these nights of ONE on ONE with GOD.
I now feel freer in my Christian pathway, and I have peace of mind. I have gained further knowledge through the study of the Scriptures. For example, I have been encouraged to visualize and personalize the texts. I have found out my weaknesses and have prayed that God will help me to overcome them. God has been good to me, and I am growing to love Him more each day.
D. G.
I was able to attend three sessions of the seminar on ONE on ONE with GOD.
My life has been richly blessed as the Word of God became so very important in my life. My eyes were opened to the need to saturate my life with the Word of God if I am to experience God working through the Holy Spirit within my life. I also see the importance of obeying the Word, in every walk of my life and in every aspect, if I am to experience the abundant life.