international groups Testimonials

We would like you to know that we’ve been blessed by your ministry.

Our ONE on ONE with GOD Bible study reminded us how far we have to go to achieve maturity. We learned to dig into God’s Word more deeply, to pray more fervently, and to face the future with courage and hope. The Lord is teaching and showing us things that strengthen our faith in Him. We may fail and commit mistakes again as we go along this life’s journey, but the Lord will be there, ready to pick us up, and will give us wisdom and the courage to try again. Surely the Lord will never leave us or forsake us.

A. and P. A.


When I had to sign and date Š—“My Commitment to Discipleship Training,Š— I remember thinking, Š—“Oh, dear! Now that I’ve made this commitment, I’ve really got to stick to it!Š—

I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, and very soon after that, in January 2001, I was baptized in obedience to Jesus’ command. And in obedience to His command, I also started going to churchŠ—”struggling in the beginning but eventually attending faithfully every Sunday. I was discipled (Navigators) and later joined a Bible study group for a couple of years. As my faith and my love for the Lord grew, in obedience to Him, I also began to actively come forward to serve the Lord in church.

But throughout these years before ONE on ONE with GOD, I was struggling in my faithfulness to God. By that I mean that I was not consistent with my quiet time, and sometimes my prayers to Him were few and far between. God is faithful and is always with me, yet I was with Him only on Sundays and some other days when I remembered Him. I knew there was something lacking or wrong in my relationship, and I desired a closer and more faithful walk with God.

What a blessing ONE on ONE with GOD has been to me! Making time and finding (quiet) time for the Lord has always been a struggle, but not anymore. Praise the Lord!

Before ONE on ONE, I had resolved to make an effort to spend (invest) time with the Lord. After that I almost always was able to do so, but whenever there was a public holiday or I was feeling tired, I would use that as an excuse to take a break from the Lord. Thank God our Father in heaven is always faithful and never takes breaks from us!

The fifteen weekly sessions of ONE on ONE have helped me not only to know God more intimately but to experience His love daily in my life. ONE on ONE has helped me cultivate a lifestyle of investing time reading God’s Word and meditating on His Word. Before ONE on ONE, I did the things I did because I had to, in obedience to God. But now I do the things I do because I desire and want to, and that’s because of my growing relationship and love for Him. Prayer is no longer a struggle or confined to certain times of the week or morning. To my own surprise, I’m expressing love responses to God throughout the day, be it at home, at work, or commuting to work!

ONE on ONE with GOD is truly a wonderful tool for equipping and discipling. I would recommend it to everyone desiring a closer spiritual walk with God. And I would especially recommend that they take up the challenge to disciple others by leading them through ONE on ONE because they would be committed to live Christ-centered lives and thus the process would draw them closer and closer to God day by day. Jesus in His wisdom commanded us to Š—“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…Š— (Matthew 28:19-20), and now I understand why.

I thank God for Jerry and Marilyn Fine for developing this wonderful study material. May the Lord bless them abundantly in their lives and ministry work for their love, devotion, dedication, and faithfulness!

To God be all the glory, honor and praise!



As a boy I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

I then grew as a true believer, but later on as years went by, my faith loosened because of earthly desires. I backslid, didn’t go to church any more, and later forgot about God and His teachings. I lived without Christ in my life, and life seemed enjoyable because I feared nothingŠ—”not even God. But I found out that my life was going miserably. It was so chaotic that I could not understand it myself. I figured out that I was lost and losing something great: I lost Jesus Christ, I lost the Word of God, and I lost my life. Later I realized it was God I was longing for. I lacked Jesus Christ in my heart, and I wanted Him to fill my life.

Now that I found Jesus and gave Him the empty space of my heart again, I found real joy in my life. I gave Him everything. He has a plan for my life.

It is really a great blessing for us in that we studied ONE on ONE with GOD. We thank the Lord so much for sending missionaries who shared this study with us for the ones who did great follow-up.



Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I was an angry disciple.

When I shared the gospel with sinners who refused to receive Jesus, I became annoyed. But now I have joy and peace of the gospel. With God’s help, I will evangelize to sinners without anger. I have been reassured that it is the work of God to save; mine is to share the gospel. I have learned that through love, I must be patient with everyone.



The Lord has ministered to me greatly during the past nights.

I have learned how to saturate my life with God’s Word. Through these nights of teaching, I have been able to love and to teach others how to receive these blessings by saturating their lives with His love.



Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I couldn’t forgive.

Before, I couldn’t say the Word without fear. But now, by the grace of the Lord, I have learned to talk the Word of the Lord without fear. Before, I could have spent more time reading the Word of God, but now I have learned to read each day, using the calendar. I have learned to give time to the Lord and to pray without giving up. I have learned to love others and to love our enemies.

Edward H.


The study has been a blessing to me.

I find it very challenging.

Wesley M.


Thanks to going through ONE on ONE with GOD, I have discovered the work of the Holy Spirit.

I learned how to meditate, how to saturate our lives with Christ, how to pray, how to memorize scripture, and how to love othersŠ—_ Preparing sermons has become an easy thing. The depth of Christ in my life has changed with respect to His purpose in the salvation of mankind. I have learned the several types of prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication).

S. N.


Through ONEon ONE with GOD, I have learned to respect the Holy Spirit and to let Him reign in me.

I have learned to love God more. I have been challenged to preach the gospel and to declare Africa for God. I have learned to disciple workers who are going to preach the gospel to the nations. I have also learned to accept the control of the Holy Spirit in prayer. God bless the people who have blessed us!



I am a Christian in Africa, and I was very happy when I came across your book because it developed in me an interest in reading and reading moreŠ—”so that my faith can be hard as a rock in the Word of God.


Christian leaders here in Africa are very cautious about any kind of discipleship training because we have a major problem with the proliferation of sects and cults that entrap people through small-group Bible studies.

After they read ONE on ONE with GOD, they have given me their OK. I was asked to teach the course in a small church here. My goal is to train leaders who will be able to disciple Christians after me.



The Word has brought joy to me.

I cannot express His love to me. It is so great and wonderful.



I thank the Lord Jesus for His faithfulness, and I thank my teacher for the wonderful teachings of ONE on ONE with GOD.

I used to postpone issues of the kingdom, but I have learned that today is the day for me to act. I realized that I didn’t love enough, but from now on my love will be unconditional. Thank God, I now have a good plan for doing my studies. I believe my spiritual life and ministry will never be the same again.



Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I was lazy in reading the Word of God, but now I will be reading the Word.

I was slow to forgive, but now I will be able to forgive. I was ignorant of giving sinners the Word of God, but I learned to preach to as many as possible. In the past I did not spend much time on prayer, but now I will be a prayerful person.



I accepted salvation and was born again in 1975.

God anointed me to serve as His servant, but for many years I had a problem in daily meditation and reading the Word of God. I was not well versed, but God Himself began to teach me how to pray. Through the training I had a big change in my lifestyle in praying and pondering and picturingŠ—”even in the way that I may adore my God and thank Him. I thank God for this good plan He has for me to reach to heaven with my fellow brothers who have the same concern for making disciples.



ONE on ONE with GOD has improved my prayer life by leading me to make a commitment to ponder, picture, and talk to God about the truths studied in scriptures.

It has enlightened me on how to love my enemies by making it a priority to do the will of God and become a true disciple. It has improved my skills of evangelism and made it a priority to share the love of God to an individual each day of my life. I make a commitment that if supplied with the materials, I will take the skills and teach many leaders and make disciples. I pray that God may increase the supporters and vision bearers of ONE on ONE and pray that I may also be a supporter and a partner as we reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.



Through ONE on ONE with GOD, I have learned to have a [quiet] time and pray with God.

I also realized that I need to love my supposed enemies more so that I can claim them to God through prayer. I have been enlightened to displace evil thoughts with God’s Word by memorizing scriptures. I have learned to always have a reminder of God’s love. It has been interesting to learn that yielding to the Holy Spirit will illuminate the truth of the gospel. I have learned to be open with God and confess my sins in prayer, asking for forgiveness. I have learned to always preach the Word of God boldly. And I have learned that righteousness is a quality that attracts the power of the Holy Spirit in my life.



ONE on ONE with GOD has been a real blessing for me this week.

It has helped me to read the BibleŠ—_ and my soul was thrilled by telling God how much I love Him in such a real way. I crave God’s richest blessings for both Jerry and Marilyn Fine and hope He will give them both grace to continue in His service.



Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I did not know how love could impact the spreading of the gospel.

I did not know the different kinds of Bible study methods. I was not sure when God had answered my prayers.

Now I understand the role of love, and I’m going to use the love of God to preach the gospel. I am equipped and will practice the Bible study methods. I am able to tell when God has answered my prayers.



ONE on ONE with GOD has truly ministered to me during these past days, and my heart has been truly blessed.

I have been experiencing a real change and hope to put in action all that I have received. May God continue to bless you in your work as you minister for Him.



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