international groups Testimonials
Since I started looking through ONE on ONE with GOD, it has so affected my life that I can hardly put it down!
My name is R., and my wife and I became Christians in 1992.
Since then I have grown spiritually with a passion for sharing this treasure. I began to work as a missionary with a passion for the lost, and it wasn’t until 2003 that I felt a word speaking to my life one early morning. I was working in a farmers’ market, and I received a verse from Job 8:5-7. I was selling and sharing little treats in front of my house, and a small girl pointed to my house, which had a glass door, and said to her mother, This is a church! She didn’t know what I wanted, but God knew, and He prophesied what I would later begin. In my house there were two stories, and we lived in the upstairs and turned the downstairs into a place to worship, taking out several walls to combine the rooms. Since then we have sent out seven missionaries and their wives, who have started seven new churches with over 700 new believers. The institute is training 21 missionaries, whom we hope to send to other parts of the country. Please pray for us that we would overcome the enemy.
R., who has been imprisoned multiple times for his faith
A closed country
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GO, I was not very clearly understanding the topics of loving and thanking God.
Now I am aware that through the Holy Ghost of God, it’s possible to love those who hate you, even those who are your enemies. I have even learned about leadership, and I know that as I stand before the church, I am to lead according to the will of God, not by my own understanding.
I thank God for this training of ONE on ONE with GOD because it has helped me to understand more of salvation and to press forward in the work God has called me to do.
It has changed me to live a holy life. It has helped me know how to read the Bible and understand it and to pray in a humble manner. This training has helped me to know how to preach the gospel of multiplication, not addition.
This week God has worked on me and cleared up so many things in my life through ONE on ONE with GOD, especially two fundamental teachings.
First of all I remember that my purpose as a Christian in this life is to know Jesus Christ intimately, to experience the power of His resurrection in me, and to participate in His sufferings with joy. Second, He has made me see clearly that the spiritual disciplines are a means and not an end in and of themselves. Their purpose, as I have already stated, is to know Him. This doesn’t just apply to the disciplines but also to my goals in life. They cannot take the place of the supreme purpose of God, which is to glorify Him. God has made me be patient in the time of receiving the course in such an intense manner, but even in this way, there were so many blessings poured out over me this week.
Some time after I graduated from the university, I wanted to go back to work on my professional profile. If I didn’t, they would retire my title. When I began to do the paperwork, I first had to end my two years of social service, and then I could begin. Miraculously and providentially, God watched over various ways and means so that I didn’t have to go through the obligatory time of labor training. There was no doubt about my status, and I could dedicate myself to the ministry without my title being compromised.
A closed country
Jim P.
Today’s training went extremely well.
The people keep telling me and John how wonderful the training has been. Some came as skeptics, and now most have expressed eagerness to get the truths we have been discussing into the hands and hearts of others. If ever I felt in the sweet spot of God’s will, it is now.
It was amazing to watch pastors repenting over a lack of faith when we discussed the passage in Matthew 14 describing Peter walking on water. Today when I arrived I had doubt my voice would last the day due to congestion. In fact my voice got stronger through the day. I am truly touched and humbled by the hunger these pastors have to know God deeply, intimately and personally. Westerners have come to teach them many things, but no one has taught them to become disciplemakers. I continue to be amazed at how the workbook (ONE on ONE) leads us to the textbook (Bible) and produces transformation wherever the word is meditated upon. What amazing power! Sometimes I feel like the guy who gets the deliver the Reader’s Digest Sweepstakes check. You know that once you begin to explain, you will witness rejoicing.
Jim P.
ONE on ONE with GOD has been a reminder of some qualities, characteristics, and discipleship attributes that I had somehow thought were for church memberssuch as pondering, picturing, and praying.
As for the issue of loving difficult people I have learned that I should love them and show them love more than the easy-to-love people. I learned that the bigger your vision, the bigger the sacrifice you will pay for the fulfillment of the vision. I now know that we need to allow Jesus Christ to sit on the throne of our lives so that we can have the balanced life God has designed for us. I should live my life for God today, love Him today, know Him today, glorify Him today, and be like Him today. Above all, I am ready to use ONE on ONE to train leaders or ministers in order to make good disciples worldwide.
God is faithful.
This is a reality. When I got ready to come to ONE on ONE with GOD, I began to pray, and God opened so many doors. At this precise moment my life was changed. Before coming here, the Lord had never talked to me like He has during this week. He used Jerry as an instrument who has been a blessing because he has shown me how to be intimate with God through meditation. Discipline is something that the people of God ought to learn, and this week I learned just how many marvelous things can come into our lives, touching the fibers of my heart. I am ready to make disciples for the rest of my life because Jesus has touched me to do so. It is a great challenge, but God is in control of everything.
R. T.
A closed country
I have benefited in a lot of ways from the ONE on ONE with GOD training.
It has built confidence in me, especially in the issue of evangelism. I have been disqualifying myself, thinking there is that best and appropriate time for me to evangelize. I have gotten guidance on reading and studying my Bible, based on the ways that have been illustrated (studying by chapter, paragraph, book, etc.).
It has always been quite hard for me to memorize Bible verses, but this training has pushed me a step forward and revealed to me how to P-P-P (ponder, picture, and pray back to God). I will no longer have an excuse to justify my ministry weaknesses.
I pray that if the same program is offered another time for those who missed it that I am empowered to reach others in the same way it has reached me. I count this time well spent (invested) and pray that the Spirit of God quickens me in doing the will of the Father. God bless the authors of this program and continue using them to reach the whole world!
I was born in 1985, and when I was 3 years old, I was abandoned by my parents and began to live in a hospital because I was an epileptic.
When I was 5 years old, the doctors said that there wasn’t any life left in me and sent me to a house to die. But God had other plans for me. I recovered, and today I can walk and talk and do everything that a normal person can. At the same time God was glorified in my sickness.
Now I am 27 years old, and I live for the glory of God by serving. For seven years I have walked on God’s path. And in spite of everyone who said I wouldn’t live, today I live for the glory of Christ. In spite of those who said I would never speak again, God put His Word in my mouth. In spite of those who said I would never walk again, God has given me the strength to walk. I live with my grandparents, and I always pray to God that they would come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior_
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you. Pray that God would continue to expand His name throughout the world and that the church would be strong and remain faithful to Him_ May God bless you!
A closed country
First, I want to say may God bless you richly and abundantly in Christ.
My name is Y. The way I came to be discipled through ONE on ONE with GOD is as follows. I was serving the Lord in a print shop where, thanks to God, this book was printed. The book’s title caught my attention. In that moment I thought, I have to see what it is to be alone with God. I said to myself that I wanted to learn to spend time alone with God.
I spoke to my pastor, and he said that it would be good for my life. I am very thankful to God and to D., the man who discipled me, who has been a great blessing from God in my life. This time of discipleship has encouraged and challenged me to fulfill the Great Commission. It has encouraged and challenged me to know the Lord through the means of meditation and His Word and prayer, worship, and thanksgiving. Now I can say that my determined purpose is to know Him, to progressively come to be more deeply and intimately related with Him, perceiving, recognizing, and understanding the marvels of His character more powerfully and more clearly. And in the same manner I might come to know the overabundant power of His resurrection that is over believers, and that I might be able to share with Him His sufferings so that I might be transformed continually in spirit to His image, in His death, in the hope.
May God bless all of you with His abundant love. Thank you.
A closed country
I give thanks to God for all of you, the way you have come here on your vacations from work.
By the grace of the Lord, the director of my school allowed me to be here. Also, my husband gave me permission to come here. I traveled 18 hours in a truck to the capital city. I arrived at noon, and at 2:00 I began ONE on ONE with GOD. It was hard, but the marvelous power of God gave me strength to not fall asleep. I am almost 50 years old and have hypertension and other infirmities, and I didn’t have any problemsnothing at all.
I am involved in a time of prayer, adoration, and reading the Word with five young people from the place where I work. We don’t rest from Monday to Friday after classes are finished, and now I imagine that I’m like my leader in that I will teach the young people and disciple them. I look at her and see all that I have to learn, and I’ll have to do this with my young people. Thank you, K.!
In the school where I work, there are more than 90 students who are Christians. I don’t have the exact number with me, but there are about 900 students. So we see this school as our mission field. The Lord has carried us to that place with a purpose, and we ought to respond to it.
I never thought that the Lord would have something so special prepared for me as this course. Each day I have learned something new and special. Our teacher surprised us with her great patience and love. She has demonstrated what it is to truly have a lifestyle that pleases God.
I think that I am beginning a great challenge, but the Lord has given me so much: the dedication of the writers, Jerry and his wife, the professor, my leader, the translators, the people who have provided the homes and materialsin short, everything. I am very afraid not to produce a return on all of this with my life, making new disciples. It is a new challenge in my life.
For so much, I thank you. I give thanks first to God for choosing this course for me, for the writers, for the student organization here in my country, and for a special person, K. Thank you and God bless you!
A closed country
My name is A., and I am 22 years old.
I found out about ONE on ONE with GOD through a friend. She told me on the same day that the course started, and immediately I came. For three months I haven’t had work, and I live alone, so it was very urgent that I begin to work. At the same moment that I was ready to leave, someone arrived to offer me a job in a foreign firm with a very good salary. But this meant that the devil is very intelligent, knowing very well where to attack us. It was not easy to make the correct decision, but thanks to God, I did.
Since the first class, God has touched my heart. I felt confused, hopeless, and alone, like Peter in the middle of the water, saying, Save me, Teacher, because I am going to perish. But just like Peter, my Lord answered: Woman of little faith, why did you doubt?
Each day my relationship with Him has gotten better. I renewed my pact of love with Him, and now that everything has concluded, I feel that my strength has returned. The situation continues being the same, but my perspective has changed. I see things from a different angle. I know that I am important to Him and that He loves me. Now it is easier to share my faith with others and to make disciples. I know who I am in God and how important I am to Him. Now my primary objective is to know Him deeply.
A closed country
I am so thankful to God for giving me the opportunity to receive the course ONE on ONE with GOD.
It has been a blessing in my life already. For this reason the words don’t exist to thank God properly.
I live 18 hours from the place where we’ve done this course. The trip seemed impossible to me. The person who invited me to go let me know a month beforehand, and ever since then, I hadn’t been able to communicate with him. When I still hadn’t heard from him the week before the course, I said to my friends that I wouldn’t go since nobody had said anything to me. Two days before the trip, when everything looked impossible, my friend called me on the telephone to confirm the trip. I couldn’t believe it. So I set about getting my things ready. I realized that there were two essential necessities for me to be able to go. But my God, who is in heaven, is big, and He opened the doors for me and supplied my needs.
The night before the trip, the devil began to work on my mind with fear to the point that I told my mother that I didn’t want to go. I was so afraid, and I thought something bad would happen or that I would miss my home so much. But to the glory of God, none of this happened. Before arriving at the course, my mind was full of worries, doubts, and problems, and I lacked understanding. But through the course my life was transformed. So many questions were answered, doubts were overcome, and my mind was enriched in such a spiritual manner. I know this wasn’t the case for just me but for so many people. God bless you all but especially Professor K., as she was the instrument used by God to bless us in a supernatural manner. Her patience and harmony touched our hearts in a way we will never forget.
A closed country
The girls in my group have been going through ONE on ONE with GOD.
Last Sunday I saw a 14-year-old with her book on the seat in front of me, book marks all through it. My heart was touched. I have not led this group, but a young girl (age 18) who went thought it with me is leading. I need five more workbooks because another lady who went through it with me is now discipling a couple who started an orphanage in Uganda, and they want to start to use it there.
God is good.
Before I knew the Lord, I was a young man of the world with an out-of-control lifestyle based on the pleasures that the world offered.
I was involved in dog fighting and slept around with all sorts of girlfriends at parties where we would get drunk. This caused many problems with my family. Two times I came face to face with death. It was on the second occasion that God freed me, but I still didn’t realize that He was taking care of me in those dangerous moments. I suffered a lot during my childhood because my parents had separated a few days after I was born due to my father’s unfaithfulness to my mother. So I grew up without any support from my father.
The first time I heard God speak to me, I had been in a home for about six years where there was worship. But I came to know Him and gave my life to Him at the age of 19 after having completed my military service. From that moment my life took on new meaning, living for God with the objective of forming the character of Jesus in my life and in the lives of those who didn’t know Himfor the love of God and those who are lost on the streets not knowing Jesus.
I know that the way will be difficult, but with the help of God today, I can say that there is nothing I can’t succeed in for Him because by Him all things are possible. In this moment I am serving God in a ministry for young people in my church.
A closed country
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, I did not know how to arrange my life to seek after God’s will.
I did not know how to give as a pastor or to expand and multiply myself in the kingdom of God. I knew little about following up new converts and discipling them. I had no full love for the flock of the Lord. But I have learned_to love and forgive whether they love me or not. I have learned to let God be my refuge in time of challenge and that He has not forgotten about me. I have learned to make Christ the center of my life, family, church, and nation. I have been encouraged that despite the delay of God in fulfilling His promises, He is preparing something bigger. I have also learned to make sermons and arrange Bible studies.
We would like to have another training. Please pray for us that God will enable us to reach all nations. Please let us know how we can pray for you.
Before I went through ONE on ONE with GOD, God found me giving up quickly on evangelism.
I was not very patient with people, and I could not read the Bible well. I was not disciplined in godly things. But now I am able to be patient and to endure. I can love my fellow Christians and neighbors. I have learned how to read the Bible and to discipline myself in godly things.
Isaac E.
Before ONE on ONE with GOD training, I was not sure how to approach non-Christians and how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
But now I know how to share the gospel without offending the non-believer. I am now equipped with Bible verses and Scriptures that can strengthen my quest for disciples. I have learned interesting skills of how to read the Bible daily and memorize verses. I have learned that God expects me to win souls for Him by discipling non-believers and winning them to Christ. I have learned that I live for only today, and I have to talk to God every day.
ONE on ONE has given me confidence to pray to the Holy Spirit, who will help us to know all things and even give us the gift of love, which is impossible to possess without Him. I have learned that Jesus Christ is God and our Lord. Thank you, ONE on ONE!
Isaac E.
Stuart K.
I extend my sincere grateful heart with thanks toward the ONE on ONE with GOD program, which has changed the lives of pastors and ministers here in Kampala.
I have found it fits in my calling of making disciples and producing disciple-makers. I have been moving on with the gospel, holding pastors’ and ministers’ conferences and seminars in the districts of Uganda. I hope this time that if they are reached with the ONE on ONE program, they will be encouraged to another level of ministry. Here in Kampala we never remained the way we were, and more pastors are requesting the same program that has changed our lives.
It will be my commitment to always pray for this program. I ask you to pray for us to see that that work of God is taken to the whole world. May God bless you.
Stuart K.